Wednesday, March 23, 2016

About Kratom

About Kratom

This Plant Is Native to the Southeast Asia, Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) is a powerful medicinal plant Worldwide. The medicinal potentials of this plant are vast, some of the most prominent include: pain relief, opiate addiction treatment, mood lifting, energy and immune system stimulation.
Visit our forum to learn about the benefits and virtue of this impressive plant, (Click Here)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Sargent Bob

The epic story of Sargent Bob

As mentioned before it is well known that opiate drugs and pharmaceuticals  have been an epidemic ruining many good peoples lives  a cancer to our nation and the world. A lot of people are given pain medication after car accidents or having traumatic injuries sustained from being in combat or other means of injury. people get addicted because they have to keep taking more and more to relive the pain until they are addicted. So let me tell you about a friend of mine and for his privacy we will refer to him Sargent Bob.

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