How to Use Kratom

How To Use Kratom

How is it taken?

 There are many ways to consume Kratom. In Thailand and the native regions they usually chew the wet leaves. Dry leaves are usually ground up into a powder. The powder can then just be taken with water, made into a tea, or mixed in with some other liquid such as fruit juice to mask the bitter taste. Usually in health stores and smoke shops you can find it in capsules and extracts. extracts and tinctures are more concentrated forms of the powder. A resin-like extract can be prepared by evaporating the water from Kratom tea. we had to dedicate that information to its own page  (Click Here). One must also know that the Kratom leaf produces and alkaloid this is what gives the sedative effect people use Kratom for. Certain things like burning, scorching, or over boiling this leaf will cause it to be ineffective. there is a lot of  misinformation saying you can smoke Kratom and this is not true , smoking Kratom will do absolutely nothing and will be a waste of this beautiful plant. consuming Kratom you must also know that is has no fiber in it to be digested witch can cause some temporary  blotting due to this lack of fiber. Users have found that eating right, rich fiber high diet "which is good for you any ways" resolves this problem or by getting fiber from other sources such as health foods and vitamin shops.

The benefits from using Kratom is outstanding I have personally seen opioid addicts fully recover, veterans with disability's get there life and functionality back and many, many positive things have come from Kratom. The best thing is it can not be abused you only feel one effect, taking to much makes you sick, it is not addictive, and well you cant smoke it unless you want to waste it. So enjoy!

The medicinal Effects of Kratom

They are highly flexible and diverse due to its unique alkaloid profile, which is unlike any other plant known to exist. These effects are:
  • Pain relief
  • Opiate withdrawal relief
  • Opiate maintenance /transitional substance
  • Mood-lifting
  • Energy Promotion
  • Anxiolytic (Anti-Anxiety)
  • Depression Relief
  • Insomnia Relief
  • Immune System Stimulation
  • Nootropic (Cognition Enhancing)
  • Anti-leukemic
  • Anti-malarial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowers blood sugar

Here is a  basic list of ways you can use and take Kratom for other recipes you might like to try
 (Click Here)

  • Kratom and water (12 oz. of water 1 dose of Kratom)
  • Kratom Tea (6 oz. of boiled water and 1 dose of Kratom add honey or sugar to your liking)
  • Raw leaves (2-3 oz. dependent on  dry or wet and strains)
  • Dry capsule ( 3-4 capsules)
  • Extract ( 1 oz.. dependent on strains)
  • Resin ( 1 oz.. dependent on strains)
  • Kratom in Coffee (1 dose of Kratom  mixed in coffee)
  • Kratom and Juice ( 1 dose of Kratom mixed with Juice)
  • Concentrated Powder (1 dose of Kratom Concentrated Powder)

 Types of Veins 

The Color of the vein has a distinct effect on the potency of kratom
  • Green -  very stabilizing and sedative good for mood enhancement
  • Red -  Very potent very sedative good for pain
  • White - Very stimulating good for energy
Each color has one of these strains. strains are the different shades if you will.

Types of Strains

  • Maeng Da – Potent, active at lower doses, very stimulating, and sedative
  • Bali – Side effects encountered at lower doses in comparison to other strains very sedative
  • Thai – Can be overstimulation for some at higher doses, very stimulating
Each Color has one of these different strains which can enhance the color of the Kratom . Some users blend the colors and strains to get a better longer lasting effect.

 What effects are associated with different doses?

 (dosage guidelines)
That depends on the potency of the Kratom and its strain, but here is a guideline we use for our Kratom.

 Average Dosage by Grams
  • Mild – 1 to 2 grams
  • Moderate – 2-4.5 grams
  • High – 4.5 – 8 grams
  • Very Strong - 8 - 12 + grams
Average Dosage by Teaspoon
  • Mild – .5  to .9 tsp
  • Moderate – 1 to 2 tsp
  • High – 2 to 3.5 tsp
  • Very Strong - 3.5 - 4 tsp

          Mild = Typically the effects are stimulant-like.
          Moderate = The effects can be stimulant-like or sedative-euphoric-analgesic.
          Strong = Sedative-euphoric-analgesic effects; too strong for highly sensitive people.
          Very Strong = Sedative-euphoric-analgesic effects (not recommended)

Effects By Dosage

Something that is frequently encountered with a variety of strains is the difference in effects at differing doses. Although this varies depending upon the strain and where you buy Kratom, typically, lower doses are relatively more stimulating than higher doses; while the cause of this is not well known, it likely has to do with the sedation curve of 7-hydroxymitragynine.
For anyone  inexperienced with kratom, it is essential to know about the philosophy, theory and advice regarding kratom dosage.

The “Less is More” Theory

The “less is more” theory is very popular among kratom forums, and there is some evidence to back this theory. Almost every strain has an optimal dose for both medicinal and euphoric effects, and dosage above this ideal threshold can have reverse effects due to mu opiod antagonists such as corynantheidine.
Now, it’s important to note that different strains have differing levels of this alkaloid, so this statement may not apply to all strains, however, the majority of strains are affected.
The “less is more” theory, is also advisable because lower dosage also creates less tolerance to effects, which can increase the plant’s medicinal potential over time.

Empty Stomach

As plain leaf has to be digested in order to have medicinal benefit,  it is considered best taken on an empty stomach, as this will ensure the effects are delivered quickly and properly.
Because eating is a necessity, it may not always be possible to  use it in this manner; for this reason, many have made kratom tea to deliver effects more quickly.

 Caution: People vary in sensitivity to Kratom, and Kratom from different sources can vary in potency (sometimes quite a lot), so these dosage estimates should be regarded as loose approximations. One should always start with a low dose when experimenting with a new batch of Kratom. One can then increase the dose gradually with subsequent experiments until one obtains the desired level of effects. DO NOT take a strong, or very strong dose, the first time you are sampling a new batch of Kratom. Most people experience nausea when using very strong doses. Sensitive individuals may experience nausea at lower doses. For this reason, it is best to take Kratom on an empty stomach when using strong doses (i.e. wait about 3 hours after eating). Some people are hypersensitive to Kratom, and may experience adverse reactions (such as severe and prolonged vomiting) when using very strong doses.

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