

These testimonies are from real kratom users and how they over came the adverse affect of pharmaceutical  drugs, chronic pain, and terrible inflictions or accidents with the use of kratom. These story's give us a distinct look into the type of people who actually are helped with Kratom.

Please read the Story of Sergeant Bob (Click Here)

This testimony was from a women who served our country

"After serving in multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, I found myself suffering from not only physical pain from multiple head injuries, as well as back and knee injuries. I left the Army and was given Oxycodone by the VA to help manage the pain. Despite trying to be careful about the use of this drug, I found myself craving it more and more. I also found that I would have severe mood swings while on it, not to mention the withdrawals if I decided not to take it for a day or ran out. When the Oycodone wore off the pain returned ten-fold, prompting me to take more. After years of using it, the effects lasted less than an hour. I was constantly tired and found it difficult to perform daily tasks. Without the drug, how-ever, I was often in too much pain to go about daily business. The Oxy also did nothing for the mi-grains caused by the brain injury nor did it help for the neuropathy. Life was pain-filled misery. A couple of years ago, I discovered Kratom and began substituting it for the Oxycodone. I found that, unlike the Oxy, I could take Kratom for a week or two straight without tolerance issues and then stop taking it without withdrawals. The more I substituted Kratom for Oxy while I was in pain, the less depression and mood swings I experienced. There was no nausea, tiredness, or rebound pain. I didn’t crave Kratom or have to take it out of fear of withdrawal symptoms. I can take it on a day when the pain is bad and not take it the next few days or weeks without being sick and agitated like with the pre-scription drugs given to me by the VA. It demolishes the migraines and relieves pain from the nerve damage even. With no mental cloudiness or tiredness from Kratom, I can go about my life with relative ease and a semblance of normalcy. I have not renewed my Oxycodone prescription since May or June and had stopped taking them long before that. Kratom gave me my life back. I would really appreciate it if the government wouldn’t take that away from me again...”

Here is testimony's  from a law enforcement officer who uses Kratom to help with chronic pain.
 This officer, who serves his community diligently, is not allowed to take pain-killers on a regular basis and so must rely on natural alternatives like Kratom. Now Kratom is under threat of being banned in his state because of disinformation and ignorance. What will this man now do? That is the question we must all ask ourselves when we turn away from dangerous pharmaceuticals in exchange for safe natural remedies. It is only a matter of time until special interests outlaw them.

There is a testimony from a woman who had been addicted to opiates because she was pre-scribed them for pain by a doctor. She was given dangerous pharmaceuticals to treat this addiction, which she also became addicted to and she stated that the withdrawal was worse for this pharmaceutical than it was for Morphine which she was previously addicted to. She wasn’t able to work or pay her bills and accidentally stumbled upon this leaf from a tree called "Kratom". She was curious and, desperate to try anything, and after using it for only a few weeks was totally cured of her addiction to pharmaceutical drugs. After a few weeks she went back to work, spent time with her children, and live her life. She trusted her doctor, but that trust was misplaced as he simply gave her a drug even more addicting than what she was already addicted to. She suffered in silence for years until finally discovering the benefits of Kratom. She is currently 100% drug free. She only uses Kratom a few times a month as a natural remedy to treat her PTSD. Now her daughters have a mother, and now this woman has her life back!

I’ve heard a testimony from a man who suffered from chronic pain due to an injury and, as a natural medicine supporter, this man sought a herbal remedy to his chronic pain. He stumbled upon Kratom which has essentially turned his life around. Instead of suffering from pain all day long, this man uses Kratom (In addition to other natural supplements as well as Ibuprofen and a good physical recovery workout routine) and he no longer has pain. It has vanished. This man could be currently addicted to dangerous pharmaceutical drugs, but he choose to use a natural alternative which is no more addictive than coffee.

I’ve heard another story from a man who became addicted to vicodin due to chronic pain at the age of 18. This person suffered severely from their addiction and eventually lost everything because of it. The dangerous narcotics were killing this man and after getting a health checkup he realized that he had to stop or he was going to die. Now how is he life after discovering Kratom? Great! He is married and now has children and lives a happy and healthy life. Kratom cured this man of his addiction to Vicodin and now he uses it to improve his own health. This life-saving tree has saved yet another person’s life.

want your story added then please message us or leave it in the comment box below!


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