
Reducing Kratom Tolerance And Safety

Kratom tolerance is the number one impediment when looking to ensure peak medicinal effects. Besides taking this plant less frequently, there are some tricks one can use to keep tolerance low. Also remember tolerance is built up gradually, by taking anything. If you are a coffee drinker you might have noticed it takes more coffee to get the stimulated effect you want from it. Kratom is no difference and taking high doses or trying to abuse it will serve you no good. This plant does have a ceiling with the given stimulated effects. Taking more will not make you feel a higher affect and will only cause you to get sick and feel disorientated for about an hour or two. In any case with people not familiar with Kratom and have taken to much just experimenting to get your the dose right below is information that can help you.

note: If you have any other suggestions or techniques please send them to use we will put them up!

Strain Rotation

Strain rotation is a fantastic way to keep the medicinal effects of Kratom fresh. When using a specific strain for a long period, you can develop a tolerance to its specific alkaloid profile; however, by switching strains daily, the alkaloid levels do not remain stable enough to develop a full tolerance to the effects.

  • Rotation by Effects – This method involves using alternating strains types (e.g. Mon. – Sedating, Tues. – Stimulating, Weds. – Sedating)
  • Rotation by Vein Color – Similar to the above method, this involves rotating by vein color (e.g. Mon. – Red, Tues. – White, Weds. – Green)
By using these methods, one can ensure that the alkaloid profiles are as varied as possible on consecutive days, which can keep tolerance at bay for a much longer period of time.
Note: Stem and vein kratom is often used as a substitute to further reduce tolerance, as its alkaloid profile is typically very different than the plain leaf.
However, because using this technique to it’s fullest requires 3-5+ different strains, this method of tolerance reduction, may not fit the means of everyone.


There are a variety of other ways to supplement tolerance reduction, including:
  • Magnesium
Magnesium supplementation is a great way to keep kratom tolerance low due to its NMDA antagonist effects, which are the primary opiod tolerance regulators.
There are many studies supporting this, one of which can be found in April 1998’s publication of Anesthesia & Analgesia.
  • Exercise
Exercise is a very effective yet under rated method of reducing tolerance. Exercise’s reduction of tolerance is cumulative, meaning the more you exercise, and the more in shape you are, the less tolerance is developed, which potentiates the medicinal effects of kratom.

  • Fiber
Using fiber supplements and fiber rich foods such as cereal or breads can not only help with absorption but also help with digesting Kratom. Click Here for a page of 15 best fiber enriched foods

  • Vitamin C
Vitamin C and citrus drinks can enhance the effects of Kratom causing the effect to be greater. So taking a lower dose with Vitamin C or citrus fruits or drinks can cause the tolerance to be cumulative reducing the amount of Kratom intake.
Note: for those trying to beet an opiate addiction. Using these methods with Kratom on a daily basis can enrich your chemically abused body with nutrients you been deprived of and help with the recovery 75%  faster then then with other chemicals such as methadone (witch is as dangerous if not more then opiates) making your body healthier in the process. also for help if you are trying to do this alone check out the Thomas recipe.


The “Wobbles”

The “Wobbles” is a term that was coined within kratom communities to describe the most prominent side effect of kratom, especially Bali strains. The wobbles are defined by the difficulty to focus the eyes at a specific point without strain and annoyance; this effect can lead to headaches and nausea.  making one feel disoriented and vertigo.
While the wobbles are not much more than an annoyance, driving or operating other heavy machinery while experiencing the wobbles is dangerous, and should never be attempted.

Avoiding the Wobbles

The easiest way to avoid the wobbles is to keep dosage below the side effect threshold. This threshold can vary between strains and plants. Typically, doses under 5 grams will not cause the wobbles.
Strains by Wobble Factor
  • Bali – High
  • Green Malaysian – Moderate/High
  • Indo – Moderate
  • Maeng Da – Moderate
  • Thai – Moderate/Low
  • True Borneo – Low

If you get the Wobbles here are some methods that help.

  • Relax and take a nap
  • eat a snack or meal (food will help absorb the alkaloids)
  • If you ware eye contacts take them out
  • drink plenty of water
  • Eat prunes or apple sauce

Kratom addiction

Kratom is only as addictive as coffee, but some people with past drug abuse history seem to notice withdraw effects from taking Kratom. they usually take Kratom in the same habit forming manner as they took drugs. Then after consuming large quantity's and getting in a routine of taking it many times a day to keep the peek affect going. Usually end up with some physical effect. The main reason for this is Kratom does enhance mood and stimulates. The truth is that with Kratom less is More a typical Kratom user should not be taking Kratom more then 2-3 doses a day, even that is a lot. The more frequently you take this as with anything even coffee there will be some physical effects such as mild head aches and constipation or jitters. Kratom is no where close and nothing as bad as trying to come off real drugs. If you educate your self before taking this you can enjoy the full effect of Kratom and never withdraw or be addicted. Coming off drugs is half mental as well as physical Trust me I know! either way we are all different and things affect us all individually. If you have taken Kratom as though it where a drug you should slowly quit it depending on your actual health tapering off should only take a few days to a week. And remember Kratom is medicinal but with anything there is a right and wrong way to do something. If you are a coffee drinker before you try mocking a Kratom user I suggest you quit drinking coffee cold turkey before you pass judgment.

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